Thursday, August 20, 2015

Turkey Spaghetti Pie

We were watching the Today Show this morning and saw this dish being made and thought it sounded good and decided to try it for dinner.  It was really yummy and definitely a dish that you can tweak for your liking.

Turkey Spaghetti Pie:

12 oz. spaghetti noodles (I used 16 oz)
1 small yellow onion chopped
1 pound ground turkey (I used 1.25 lbs.)
1 cup tomato paste (divided)
3 eggs
1 cup grated parmesan
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella
2 TBS. olive oil
salt to taste

350 degrees for 30-35 minutes

I realized after I took a picture of the ingredients that I forgot to photograph the three eggs.  The first thing you want to do is put some olive oil in a skillet and add the chopped onions and cook until the onions are tender.  While the onions are cooking start the noodles in a pot of boiling water and cook according to package.

 After the onions are tender, add the turkey and 3/4 cup of the tomato paste. Since the noodles have been cooking take some of the starchy water out and add to the skillet after the turkey is cooked through.  The recipe calls for 1/4 cup of the starchy water but I used closer to a cup but added it in 1/4 cup increments.  After the water is added the finished product of the meat sauce should be like a Bolognese sauce.

When the noodles are cooked and drained in a strainer, run some cold water over them to cool them off before adding the other ingredients to the noodles.  In a large mixing bowl, add the cooled off noodles, the eggs, 1 cup grated parmesan, 1 cup mozzarella and 1/4 cup tomato paste. I ended up using my hands to mix it.

After it's all mixed together you are going to start layering it to a lightly greased 8" or 10" pie pan.  The recipe says to lightly grease the pan with olive oil but I used a cooking spray to lightly coat it.

In the pan you are going to spoon in 1/2 of the meat sauce and spread it out.  Then layer on the entire bowl of the noodle mixture and spread it evenly and press it down into the pie pan.  Then layer the other half of the meat mixture on top of the noodles and then spread the remaining 1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella on top.

Bake it in a 350 degree oven for 30-35 minutes and then let it set for 10 minutes.  After the 10 minutes cut it into wedges and serve it like a pie.

It's a very simple and delicious meal to make and the entire family enjoyed it.  Simply Delicious